


Course length: 4 hours
Location: Sweden
Provided by: Kunskapskontoret
Type: Open to public


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How the education benefits you

If your work environment exposes your employees to quartz dust, this program will equip you with certified safety procedures, protection methods, and best practices to ensure minimum health risks to your employees.


Quartz stone dust is invisible to the naked eye and can cause serious health problems in the long run. It is often produced in areas such as mining and quarrying, grinding, drilling and milling in concrete, crushing and grinding of stone, crushing and sorting of materials from turf, steelworks, foundries, porcelain plants and other ceramics industries, glass manufacturing, building industry, manufacturing of concrete, brick building and roofing board, construction, including tunnelling.

Requirements for the employer according to the Arbetsmiljöverket’s AFS 2015:2 §22:

"The employer will ensure that anyone who leads or performs a job which involves handling quaternary materials, has sufficient knowledge of health risks associated with handling quaternary materials and on how to prevent these risks. The employer should also ensure that the affected workers are aware of what this implies for themselves according to Chapter 3 Section 4 of Arbetsmiljölagen (1977: 1160). "

Unless the requirements of AFS 2015: 2 §9 are fulfilled, a penalty fee of 15 000 to 150 000 SEK will be levied, depending on the number of employed persons.

Preferred dates not available?

Send us an email here and let's see if we can arrange another date for you.

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